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Posted on: Sunday, May 29, 2011

"Earth laughs in flowers" --Ralph Waldo Emerson

It was a very long drawn out that I cursed, one that was too wet to get into the soil, one that is adios! So much happy happens in spring--green hills, Easter celebration, and yep, the garden takes hold!The "Big Payoff" is what i like to call it! Ralph, the earth is laughing!


With all the to-do lists that are constant, it seems that the garden is never at the top, but I have realized it is oh-so-necessary for the soul. This is the first year that help needed to be called in! Between my husband and I, we managed to revive and nurture our garden. Here's a peek.....

IMG_0618 IMG_0603hydrangeas,

the new rose that just arrived, creamy white with a chartreuse inside.

the queen of the garden

IMG_0614 sweet sweet peas

I think this is a form of vibirnum

the last of the lilac and snowballs for the season

and let's not forget some of the wildlife taking refuge!

What's growing in your garden?

The Ruby Review: I AM

Posted on: Thursday, May 26, 2011


I Am: 4 stars

My mother and I needed something to do this Mother's Day and like many afternoons we ended up at the Palm. I wasn't exactly sure what this movie was about based off the rotten tomatoes summary, and after seeing it I know this was because it is an extremely hard to explain documentary. I know that may sound precocious but even I, as a movie reviewer myself, don't know quite how to explain the story. Basically, famous director Tom Shadyac (Ace Ventura, Liar Liar) was in a nasty bicycle accident and after going through a bout of depression caused by his concussion, he decided to abandon his materialistic life, in search of what is wrong with human nature and how we can fix it. Recently in my English class we read The Lord of the Flies, the novel in which William Golding expresses how man is ultimately evil. And this movie gives a more positive view on us humans. Not that we are without flaws, but that it is in our nature to be loving, compassionate people. Definitely a mind blowing film, not one for those looking for a laugh. Low point of this movie was not actually related to the movie at all but instead was the man sitting next to me who incessantly tapped his popcorn from the bag into his mouth. Shame on you, dude. Shame on you.

The Weekly Six

Posted on: Wednesday, May 25, 2011

This week's six is spotlighting spring fashion!

1. This lacey Anna Sui dress is so sweet and sexy!

2. By now you know of our love of long flowy dresses, fresh from the 70's, this one is cut perfectly and is so ready to rock the spring and summer of '11.

3. This floral Free People dress is so easy to wear and can go everywhere! We really must learn to hide the VW keys.

4. Orange--so classic while so current! This beautiful number was picked out at the local flea.

5. Braided leather headbands embellished with feathers (made by one of our beautiful customers). They won't last long!

6. Ok seriously, hide the keys!!

Posted on: Thursday, May 19, 2011

It seems like there isn't a week that goes by that someone doesn't ask, "Do you ever watch that show with the pickers?". American Pickers! Well, we've seen it and it is very entertaining. It's funny though, a lot of it is similar to what we do in this crazy business...a lot is very different too.


On this particular day, it felt very similar. The morning started out at Sally Loo's, chatting over a cup of joe with my friends Barbara and Natellie. As the conversation went on, we began talking about a cute lil' trailer that our mutual friend Tamara had just adopted. Barbara expressed how much she would love to find one to adopt. I had just had a conversation with a gentleman in Nipomo that said he had a trailer for sale--it sounded cute and affordable. We made a call to him and he said to come on over. So we grabbed John (my husband) for operational outlook and drove up.

We were greeted by the gentleman, had some small talk (he has some amazing things), and were off on an adventure. A long walk...around a gate, through another gate and around the bend..


...and there she was, peeking out! She was darling! The trailer had been used as an office, so it was semi-gutted, although the original appliances and table were in still in tact.


If they adopt it, it will need quite a bit of restoration, but it will be many possibilities! We'll keep you posted. -S.

The Not So "Weekly" Six

Posted on: Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ok, so we try around these parts. But sometimes we don't manage to get the "weekly" six out. This week we did! Enjoy!

1. Mr. Wise Guy

2. A perfect little three drawer dresser, or organizer, or catch all, or night stand...

3. This suitcase has been all over the country, from Biloxi to Burmingham to Long Beach. Hmmm, where will you take it??

4. Industrial stools. These two are adjustable by height and by the back rest. I imagine they've been involved in some pretty important creative meetings. Good juju here.

5. Two beautiful chairs--original mohair, nice texture and just enough wear to show their years.

6. Once again we want to take you back to the 70's. I remember my beautiful and coveted Gunne Sax dress, long blond hair flowing, dates lined up on Saturday nights, Three Dog Night on the radio...oh, wait, that may have been my best friend Elke Bartlett.
We have a handful of original maxi dresses from years past, ready for a new life amongst technology, alternative music and electric cars.IMG_3520IMG_3524IMG_3522
images by jennifer young of i art u

Spied at the Rose

Posted on: Saturday, May 14, 2011

If you've shopped at Ruby Rose, you are quite aware of the fun that we have, the silliness that goes on, and the array of style that comes through the shop. These pictures are our evidence to these facts!

Quote of the Week

Posted on: Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Image by Sara Orme

"Girls do not dress for boys. They dress for themselves and, of course, each other.
If girls dressed for boys they’d just walk around naked at all times."

Meet Our Blogger

Posted on: Saturday, May 7, 2011

Get to know our blogger, photographer, and marketer extraordinaire, Jennifer Young. Oh and Happy Mother's Day weekend! -S.

5ing F|A|C with Jennifer Young from Dustin Faddis on Vimeo.

The Ruby Review: Limitless

Posted on: Wednesday, May 4, 2011


LIMITLESS- 4 stars

A great movie. Maybe it's just my love for sci-fi films, but I'm glad I went to see it the day before it left theaters. Limitless stars Bradley Cooper as a poor and unfocused writer living in New York, who, after trying a little clear pill he believes to be safe, is turned into a super-genius who can recall everything he has ever read, seen, or heard. Although this sounds like perfection, the stakes are suddenly raised, and life becomes a little complicated. Like most thriller movies, there's not a lot of depth or realism, but it is definitely worth renting.

Day Trippin'

Posted on: Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The sun was out and we had a day off , so we headed for our beach house--the view was great!


Did I mention that our house has wheels on it?


The interior was in need of an update, so we threw on some fresh summer linens and all was well.


Everyone has their necessities when traveling...ours is the kitchen, especially the espresso maker.


We were blessed with such a beautiful day, and the best part was that it only took 20 minutes from our door to the ocean!


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Kcouture Ruby Rose invitation

Kcouture SPRING photo layout master

We are so lucky to bring this trunk show to Ruby Rose this week! K couture will be showcasing their beautiful, comfortable, and current clothes and accessories. Come enjoy a day (or days) of shopping with friends and a personal stylist.

Dates and Times:
May 5th and 6th / 11-5
May 7th / 11-2

If you haven't gotten a Mother's Day gift yet, there will be plenty of options for you at this trunk show. Also, on Thursday the 5th, we will be celebrating Cinco de Mayo with lunch at 12! See you then!

Guest Post No. 2: CULTS by Jennifer Young

Posted on: Sunday, May 1, 2011

(images by Jennifer Young of I ART U)

If you've been following this blog for some time, you know that we always talk about Kathy and her family. We can't help it, we love her (and them), and that family is just the most talented bunch. Above are images of Kathy's niece's band, Cults, based out of Brooklyn, NY. They happened to be on tour and playing at The Crocodile in Seattle while we were there. Score! The Cults energetic presence, good sound, and catchy tunes had us singing for days! If you're interested, you can hear their music on myspace. Thanks for reading! -J.

The AFTER PARTY is TODAY!!! We'd love to see you.

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