Rainy Day
Posted on: Friday, January 27, 2012
GIVEAWAY! [Giveaway Closed]
Posted on: Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Our Post On Emily, Not Exactly Emily Post
Posted on: Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Posted on: Thursday, January 19, 2012
Posted on: Monday, January 16, 2012
The Romantics
Posted on: Friday, January 13, 2012
Country Living?
Posted on: Thursday, January 5, 2012
...And this is where my rant starts. If you ask Kathy, Kim or Jenni about my rants, they will roll their eyes like I am craaazy! They usually stop me before I get this far, but Kathy is away being a baby nurse, Kim is also enjoying days off, and Jenni is with her boys.
Anyways, I pick up the first magazine I purchased, Country Living, which is odd, because I haven’t bought this mag in maybe a year. I sit down to relax and read, and OK, here it comes...out of the first 38 pages, 23 of those are ads, and 11 of them are medically related! I look at the cover to make sure it wasn't a health related issue...nope it's not. This is messing with my relaxing, inspiring afternoon. Throughout the remainder of the issue, there are 12 more medically related ads for a whopping 23!
So as I am looking to be inspired but I am now stressed out about: lung function, COPD, joint damage, depression, heart palpitations, the flu, arthriitis, osteoarthritis, heartburn, cholesterol, etc. There is also info on a metabolism boosting powder for my 'bikini plan' (dang, I hadn't started to even think about my 'bikini plan!'). There is also vaginal cream (we wont even go there), and finally on page 129 of 134 pages, there is a correction tucked back there to straighten out a 'wrong impression' that Boniva may have given in regards to postmenopausal osteoporosis!! I realize that magazines must sell ad space, but this is decorating/recipe magazine. Come on, guys.
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